Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Janey

or maybe not so happy :c

I would like to extend this post as a humble Jane appreciation post because her birthday has been a bit sad hasn't it?

 A quick synopsis for those who aren't on the up and up on homestuck:

 Jane Crocker:

Was busy setting up for her birthday party with her best friend Roxy:

When Jake

Decided to talk to her about his boyfriend troubles with Dirk. Now this does not seem like that big a deal right we all reach out to our friends for help! However, Jake beinga bit dense doesn't realize that his friendship with Jane as of late has been solely centered around complaining about Dirk. Thus after doing nothing but complain, Jane realizes the boy completely forgot about her birthday and her party. As though that wasn't bad enough, he continues on his self centered rant on Dirk and is once again impressively dense when Jane hints at having (had?) feelings for him. This does not elicit a good responce from Jane:

After watching the whole  scene go down, Roxy attempts to calm Jane down by making her laugh and feel better. Unfortunately her attempts only lead to making Jane feel worse, and completely upset J/ane decides to run back home using a rather nice abscond:

Things could not seem to get worse for poor Jane but on her way home she is jeered by none other than the king of jerks: Caliborn.
While at first he seems to attempt a cordial conversation, he ruins it by demeaning Jane as he calls her fat and ugly ( which to him is to show attraction) This of course recieves a poor reaction from Jane and Cal decides to stop being 'nice' and informs her that her father for whom she has been searching for for the past few months, is in all likelihood dead from being tortured by the Dersites:

Though popular fandom opinion is that her father is perfectly alright concidering the last time he was taking to derse:

Either way Jane is understandably distraught by this news and finally manages to return home

This literally tore my heart apart because Jane is one of my favorite characters of Homestuck. So from me and the rest of the fandom: Hang in their Jane! WE Love you and hope things perk up!!!


“Jane: Celebrate the best birthday ever.”
HAHAHA crying. wow this is bad and i don’t care.

Let's all Give a big Jane a big hug and appreciate how bad ass she is! To do this I will post one of my favorite fan videos

So now a question for you out there? If put in this situation how would you try to help Jane feel better?

(all images used are taken directly from homestuck itself and are copywritted by Andrew Hussie, the only exception is the final picture in the post which was an appreciation post made by Mimi )

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Change of plans

Originally when creating this blog I was confused and thought the blog would be the focus of the web site project. As such is not the case, This blog will no longer focus on educating people about Homestuck as that will be saved for my personal website which I will post a link to later on. Instead this will simply focus on the current events in Homestuck. For example: Currently on tumblr, a small joke war has been going after a release of a fan quiz that determines which would be your "moon" if you were a character in Homestuck. In 'Sburb' the computer game that Homestuck is centered around each character has a 'dreamself' that lives on one of two moons: Prospit
and Derse.
Players who live on Prospit get access to clouds that give the users glimpses into the future.
meanwhile players based on Derse are given advice by the "horrorterrors" that haunt the moon.
Recently due to the test created by a respected fan of Homestuck (this person has created many accurate quizes before hand such as "what is your title and aspect?" and "What is your home planet?" (I am the Priest of blaze by the way and my planet is the planet of haze and laturns) So there was a lot of excitement over the new quiz release. As a result a mock war was created over who was better the Derse dreamers or the Prospit dreamers. (the answer of course is the Prospit dreamers, I mean obviously). Anyhow It's been fun watching the fan art pour in on tumblr of people drawing themselves, friends and their original character in either Derse or Prospit pajamas. Once again this is just one of infinite ways that Homestuck seems to inspire genuine creativity from people.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Many of You have Heard of Homestuck before?

Have you heard about Homestuck?
Once you answer the poll please comment below with anything you know or wish to learn about Homestuck!

Welcome to Let Me Tell You About Homestuck.

        Welcome to LMTYAH, a blog centered around teaching new people about the popular webcomic known as Homestuck by Andrew Hussie, to those who have yet to know about it. Over the past few years, Homestuck has been a widespread phenomena in social forums such as Tumblr, DeviantArt, and other blog sites such as this one. it has acquired a huge collective fan base attracting artists, writers and composers who all contribute their own talents and thoughts to the fandom. With this blog I hope to inform and educate those unfamiliar with the comic and fandom of the inner going-ons within the Homestuck fandom as well as the comic itself. A comic that starts out with a simple single panel:

"A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is this young man's birthday. Though it was thirteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!

What will the name of this young man be?"

-Andrew Hussie (2009) via MSPaintAdventures